Make your intangible assets its greatest potential

To compete in a global and modern world, companies need to apply methods and systems to develop intangible assets such as brands, innovative business models, service and corporate cultures, among others.  

Aleteia Capital develops the valuable capital that lies in the intangibles of companies, by providing two types of service: workshops and consulting. 

In the industrial era, companies focused on managing tangible assets such as capital, plant, equipment and technology. Today, most of these have become a commodity. Intangible assets have become increasingly important and some, such as knowledge, have become a significant factor of production. In the United States, the average market to book ratio of companies is of 6:1. This difference is mostly due to the value of their intangible assets. In Peru, except for a few companies, this ratio is of approximately 1:1 or less.

To compete in a global and modern world, companies need to apply methods and systems to develop intangible assets such as brands, innovative business models, service and corporate cultures, among others. Even through these are not new concepts, learning to see them as some of the most important sources of competitive advantage and of future benefits, and therefore developing programs to manage them, is new indeed.

Our areas of expertise are:

Innovation Management.

Customer Service Management.

Cultural Diversity Management.

Brand Equity Management.

Corporate Culture Management.

Knowledge Management.

Corporate Social Responsibility.

Intangible Asset Appraisal.


Managing Cultural Diversity for Competitive Advantage

Any company that wants to insert itself successfully in the global economy must see cultural diversity as an asset, not a liability. Understanding different national cultures and adequately processing their differences generates competitive advantages.

Articles published in the press

Reference material published in the main written daily of the country.

Lumni 1000

Posted on
March 8, 2016
El Comercio

Shock de la formalidad

Posted on
February 9, 2016
El Comercio

Trum, Ann Coulter and inmigration

January 12, 2016
El Comercio

Managing Cultural Diversity for Competitive Advantage

Interview to Diego de la Torre, President of Aleteia Capital, In La Hora N, Program produced by Canal N.



President and co- found

Diego de la Torre is co-founder of La Viga, the largest cement and steel distribution company in Peru. Mr. de la Torre has, in part, been able to achieve such considerable success because of his ability to develop the intangible assets of his company. Under his leadership La Viga designed a structure, culture and business processes that have become benchmarks in the industry. He is also founder of Quikrete Peru, a joint venture with an American company that has led and pioneered the production and development of dry ready mix concrete in the Peruvian market.

Av. Dos de Mayo 534 Of. 301, Miraflores. Lima - Peru. Phone: (51 1) 2715573